Holy Orthodoxy
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The Holy Fathers on Usury
The Holy Fathers on Usury
*Usury is the action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.
~Old Testament
“If you lend money to any of My people who are poor among you, you shall not be like a moneylender to him; you shall not charge him interest.”
(Exodus 22:25)
“Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you. You shall not lend him your money for usury, nor lend him your food at a profit.”
(Leviticus 25:36-37)
“You shall not charge interest to your brother-interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest.”
(Deuteronomy 23:19)
“He who does not put out his money at usury, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.”
(Psalm 15:5)
“One who increases his possessions by usury and extortion, gathers it for him who will pity the poor.”
(Proverbs 28:8)
“If he has exacted usury, or taken increase-
Shall he then live?
He shall not live!
If he has done any of these abominations,
he shall surely die;
His blood shall be upon him...”
(Ezekiel 18:13)
“In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take usury and increase; you have made profit from your neighbours by extortion, and have forgotten Me, says the Lord God.”
(Ezekiel 22:12)
~New Testament
“Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”
(Luke 6:30-36)
~Ancient Greek Philosopher
“The most hated sort (of money maker), and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object (way) of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes (the different ways) of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”
~Holy Fathers
The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, in 325, forbade clergy from engaging in usury.
At the time, usury was interest of any kind, and the church canon forbade the clergy to lend money at interest rates even as low as 1% per year.
Later Ecumenical Councils applied this regulation to the laity as well.
“Forasmuch as many enrolled among the Clergy, following covetousness and lust of gain, have forgotten the divine Scripture, which says, ‘He has not given his money upon usury.’ (Ezekiel 18:8), and in lending money ask the hundredth of the sum (as monthly interest), the holy and great Synod thinks it just that if after this decree any one be found to receive usury, whether he accomplish it by secret transaction or otherwise, as by demanding the whole and one half, or by using any other contrivance whatever for filthy lucre's sake, he shall be deposed from the clergy and his name stricken from the list.” (1st Ecumenical Council, Canon 17)
“…let it suffice to remark that the law prohibits a brother from taking Usury.”
(St. Clement of Alexandria)
“Money lending has no value and is rapacious (greedy)… Money lending wants everything to be wild and begets whatever has been untilled… Usury’s home is a threshing-floor upon which the fortunes of the oppressed are winnowed and where it considers everything as its own. It prays for afflictions and misfortunes in order to destroy such persons. Money lending despises people contented with their possessions and treats them as enemies because they do not provide money. It watches courts of law to find distress in persons who demand payment and follows tax collectors who are a nest of vultures in battle array prepared for war. Money lending carries a purse and dangles bait as a wild beast to those in distress in order to ensnare them in their need. Daily it counts gain and cannot be satisfied…”
(St. Gregory of Nyssa)
“Do not lend money at interest. (If you do) you accuse Scripture which says, ‘He that has not given his money upon usury.’ I did not write this: it did not go forth first from my mouth: Hear God.” (St. Augustine of Hippo)
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  • @joepavone3586
    @joepavone3586 5 днів тому

    Another great video-both this prayer and the "Prologue from Ohrid" are available on the internet as pdf files for free.

  • @craigculwell9177
    @craigculwell9177 5 днів тому

    Saint Nikolai, pray for us! 🌹🕊️☦️🇷🇸

  • @user-oh7iu8pg2u
    @user-oh7iu8pg2u 5 днів тому

    Hi friends good news for all Rejoice in the Holy spirit Revelation 14:6 eternal gospel proclaiming in Emperor Emmanuel God's own country Kerala Check online ❤

  • @user-oh7iu8pg2u
    @user-oh7iu8pg2u 5 днів тому

    Thanks be to God Almighty through Jesus Christ ❤

  • @jeffreydezwit9875
    @jeffreydezwit9875 6 днів тому

    Can somebody pray for me ?i have hatefull thoughts about a person. i dont like it please pray for me my name is geoffrey

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 5 днів тому

      @jeffreydezwit; May the Lord have mercy on you and help you. 🙏☦️

  • @pe3429
    @pe3429 6 днів тому

    God be Praised, this is an extremely Powerful Prayer. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us. Open our Eyes and Heart's that we may absorb these Precious Words. Give us courage to face ourselves in your mercy, oh Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @humanipulationnation
    @humanipulationnation 6 днів тому

    brothers should not be enemies ☦️ ❤

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 6 днів тому

      @humanipulationnation; They should not be, however, as with Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-18) if there is jealousy, hatred etc. then one or both may be enemies and go as far as to kill his own brother.

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 6 днів тому

    Thank you Holy Orthodoxy, St Nicholi Velimirovich is one of my favourite Saints, i love "The Prologue of Ochrid ". I haven't come across this prayer before, and it is very profound . Thank you again. ❤

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 6 днів тому

      @@stephaniebailey864 Yes he has been described as a modern day St. John Chrysostom for his understanding and explanation of theology and obviously for his heartfelt prayers. Glory be to God for His wondrous Saints! 🙏☦️

  • @saoirsehaslonglegs2313
    @saoirsehaslonglegs2313 6 днів тому

    Lord Jesus,in Your mercy, comfort all those suffering in the world, especially Palestine,.especially all the children. Amen.please Lord, with Your grace & mercy help me to reconcile with You, to be open & honest, today ,when go to Confession ,I ask for your forgiveness, & help me to forgive others & to do Your will, with a heart of love, peace, kindness & hope ,i need You Lord,.Thank You ,Father ,Son & Holy Spirit. Amen.

    • @pe3429
      @pe3429 6 днів тому

      Lord Jesus Christ in all your Mercy, Bless those who call to you. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on us, for we are sinners ☦

    • @stephaniebailey864
      @stephaniebailey864 6 днів тому

      The words of Saint Nicholi Velimirovich are so profound and true. He was described as the new John Christosom because his sermons were so inspired. Thank you for this lovely prayer, I hadn't heard of it before .❤

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 8 днів тому

    This video is very moving...Saint Gabriel pray for us .

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 8 днів тому

    I enjoyed this very much, it would be very useful for Protestants contemplating Orthodoxy. Thank you "Holy Orthodoxy " for such a thoughtful and beautifully presented video .

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 8 днів тому

      You’re welcome @stephaniebailey and all glory and thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @sofiebult6687
    @sofiebult6687 11 днів тому

    Beautiful. St. Nicholas, tuff but loving. You are amazing dear Saint. Rejoice in your Lord.xo

  • @Chukbob5
    @Chukbob5 12 днів тому

    Thank you !

  • @barathkrishna2977
    @barathkrishna2977 12 днів тому

    what album is this wonderful psalm chanting from?

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 12 днів тому

      @barathkrishna; Which hymn are you asking for specifically? There are different hymns and not from the same source.

    • @barathkrishna2977
      @barathkrishna2977 12 днів тому

      The first hymn in the starting of the video

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 12 днів тому

      @@barathkrishna2977 Here is the link: ua-cam.com/video/bOcbZZCjdxg/v-deo.htmlsi=wgB8QkIECWJnA2Io

    • @barathkrishna2977
      @barathkrishna2977 11 днів тому

      Thank you very much!

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 13 днів тому

    Thank you Holy Orthodoxy for this beautiful video, Saint Nicholas is a wonderful saint indeed !!❤

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 13 днів тому

      @stephaniebailey; Your welcome and thank God for everything. 🙏☦️

  • @FloridaCrusader
    @FloridaCrusader 13 днів тому

    this was a byzantine forgery im pretty sure

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 10 днів тому

      @FloridaCrusader; There was no forgery as both sides were present and this miracle was evident. The Orthodox Faith is the true Faith and Church, taught by the Lord’s Apostles and continues on to this day.

  • @foreignpolicyanimated
    @foreignpolicyanimated 13 днів тому

    One of the things that I like about this channel is how the text is spaced out. In between lines, I can soak it in a bit at a time and practice the Jesus Prayer. It’s also a good way to trick yourself into reading more when you’re UA-cam binging. I definitely need more reading time.

  • @joepavone3586
    @joepavone3586 13 днів тому

    Really wonderful and heartwarming stories-thank you!

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 13 днів тому

      @joepavone; Glory be to God! ☦️

  • @lindaphillips4646
    @lindaphillips4646 13 днів тому

    I marvel at how often we hear of stories of the saints in which those they helped did not recognize them at first but were later lead to understand who helped them.. I love the ways that the Lord so often ties up the 'loose ends' of the stories.. Which just continues the miracle..

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 13 днів тому

      @lindaphillips; Absolutely! 🙏☦️

  • @lindaphillips4646
    @lindaphillips4646 13 днів тому

    God is wonderful in His Saints! And in His Church! ☦💝📿💝☦

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 13 днів тому

      @lindaphillips; Thank you for sharing and glory be to God! ☦️

  • @lindaphillips4646
    @lindaphillips4646 13 днів тому

    Beautiful. Beautiful. Oh, St. Nicholas, may we never doubt you. ☦💝📿💝☦

  • @randypost8296
    @randypost8296 16 днів тому

    Where can I find this chant?

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 16 днів тому

      @randypost; Here is the link: ua-cam.com/video/im3Wuv4ILAY/v-deo.htmlsi=SvDtJn68r_j7q8tE

    • @randypost8296
      @randypost8296 11 днів тому

      Who is chanting? I would love to hear more from him.

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 11 днів тому

      @@randypost8296 That link that I had posted, unfortunately doesn’t say who is chanting.

    @SIX2DWRLD 17 днів тому

    saint phanourios prayer how i get it into English so I could pray it ??

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 17 днів тому

      Here is a link that may help you: prayerforanyoccasion.com/st-phanourios-prayer-for-lost-things-a-powerful/

    • @SIX2DWRLD
      @SIX2DWRLD 16 днів тому

      @@HolyOrthodoxy god bless your soul and your loved ones I really appreciate you taken your time to let me know my Greek friend lead me to this clip and told me about the story and miracle this saint has done once’s again from the bottom of my heart thank you for your support and help god bless

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 16 днів тому

      Thank you and likewise. Glory be to God for all things. 🙏☦️

  • @dianecleary1054
    @dianecleary1054 19 днів тому

    Love the last photo . Eternal thanks

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 19 днів тому

      @dianecleary; Glory be to God! 🙏☦️

  • @Natnael07ar.
    @Natnael07ar. 20 днів тому

    Thank you so much for all your videos it really helps to get closer to God. Never stop uploading Videos God bless you.

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 20 днів тому

      @Natnael; I thank you for your kind comment. Glory be to God for all things. May the Lord bless you and your family. ☦️🙏

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 22 дні тому

    This is very moving and uplifting...the hymns and icons used are also very beautiful . Thank you for such a great channel .

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 22 дні тому

      Thank you for your kind comments and glory be to God for all things!

  • @yankaufmann9715
    @yankaufmann9715 22 дні тому

    Thank you

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 22 дні тому

      Your welcome and glory be to God for all things! ☦️

  • @user-wc5pl2wf4t
    @user-wc5pl2wf4t 26 днів тому

    Русь Святая храни Веру Православную 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @IN-pr3lw
    @IN-pr3lw 27 днів тому

    Song name?

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 27 днів тому

      @IN; If you are referring to the first hymn, here is the link: ua-cam.com/video/g4W4_EOXRLo/v-deo.htmlsi=lnK6o3IxQfcedfh5

  • @Yaz662
    @Yaz662 27 днів тому

    God does the miracles or the saints?

    • @marchelomanchev5317
      @marchelomanchev5317 27 днів тому

      God through the saints, in other words saints do it through god and he and only he decides who and when miracles happen

    • @vanessac.7040
      @vanessac.7040 27 днів тому

      Its God always doing the miracle. However, through the saints intercession and communion with God the synergy between them the miracle is done. Glory be to God who is wondrous in His saints! ☦️

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 27 днів тому

      @Yaz; Those who believe and live a godly, humble, saintly Christian life and follow His Commandments will do these signs as did St. Paisios. Also please read Mark 16:17-19. ☦️

    • @Yaz662
      @Yaz662 27 днів тому

      @@HolyOrthodoxy Wow, so amazing

  • @bettyhal665
    @bettyhal665 27 днів тому

    Glory to God. Imagine what gifts the saints had . This video evokes "a good sense of envy" so that we ,too, can try to cleanse our soul and attain the gifts which our forefather Adam possessed.

  • @marythomas5358
    @marythomas5358 27 днів тому


  • @Ymirson999
    @Ymirson999 27 днів тому

    Her life story is something I've heard about only recently and, for whatever reason, grabbed me immediately. It's unfortunate that what is known is so little.

  • @marzlongma1369
    @marzlongma1369 28 днів тому


    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 28 днів тому

      @marzlongma; Which one specifically are you asking for and at which time mark?

    • @marzlongma1369
      @marzlongma1369 28 днів тому

      @@HolyOrthodoxy the 1st song at 0:16

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 28 днів тому

      @marzlongma1369; Here is the link: ua-cam.com/video/GlClRfUGqCk/v-deo.htmlsi=aZDX8FpQvTb4fPr-

    • @marzlongma1369
      @marzlongma1369 26 днів тому

      @@HolyOrthodoxy thank you

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy 26 днів тому

      @@marzlongma1369 Your welcome and glory be to God for everything! ☦️🙏

  • @RickySpanish-
    @RickySpanish- 28 днів тому

    You left out the part where he gouged his own son’s eyes out (Prince Stefan) and r*ped a child.

  • @homeschoolmom2384
    @homeschoolmom2384 Місяць тому

    Thank you! The deception is increasing. Jesus, have Mercy on us. 🙏✝️🙏

  • @user-wc5pl2wf4t
    @user-wc5pl2wf4t Місяць тому

    ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕСЕ🙏🙏🙏 Во истину Воскресе🙏🙏🙏

  • @joepavone3586
    @joepavone3586 Місяць тому

    A wonderful video-those "Christians" who support the killing (murder) of the unborn need to repent or face the righteous judgement of our Triune God. Thank you for this video ! The comment posted above as "abortion health information" is a satanic lie from the father of lies-a murderer from the beginning!

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 Місяць тому

    Thank you "Holy Orthodoxy " for these sobering reflections of the Saints on abortion. The icons are very profound too . God will forgive all who truly repent ❤

  • @KirstinReese-iw8fr
    @KirstinReese-iw8fr Місяць тому


  • @HomoEucharistica
    @HomoEucharistica Місяць тому

    Have you done / Could you do any video on priesthood (like "Did you know... priesthood")?

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      @HomoEucharistica; Will see what can be done a bit down the road. Thank you for your feedback. 🙏☦️

  • @mrsnkg7904
    @mrsnkg7904 Місяць тому

    Thank you dear Servants of Christ for this beautiful video. However PLEASE can you remove the loud blasting noise at the very beginning. It so startled me while driving that I nearly drove off the road!!! Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner 💖🙏

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      @mrsnkg; Thank you for your comment and feedback. Yes, a conscious effort has been made to lower the opening part of the videos. Unfortunately, I cannot change this from the older videos unless they are all redone and quite honestly, this is very difficult and time consuming. Please be cautious, when watching older videos. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your family. 🙏☦️

  • @joepavone3586
    @joepavone3586 Місяць тому

    Good video thank you-can you do a video on the patristic views of the coming Antichrist ?

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      @Joepavone; thank you for your kind comment and feedback. That is a much more difficult topic to do in a relatively short video. I will see if I can do that down the road. I would highly suggest listening/watching Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Ethos (I’m not affiliated in any way) which has many good topics with the Patristic quotes etc. on the topic of Antichrist, here are some links from him: ua-cam.com/video/SvlF0C1UJtA/v-deo.html and ua-cam.com/video/6UA5jNhsUQM/v-deo.htmlsi=iJ5y0uqXkhfkQvyD and ua-cam.com/users/liveRffTMRRjuos?si=LM9UZOdkJcsNaOZG

  • @joshuawebb5891
    @joshuawebb5891 Місяць тому

    There is a rather famous ufo abduction story, from Australia i believe, from a woman named Kelly Cahill. Where she was attacked by what she described as "shadow people". The thought that ufo's are demonic terrifies me. God help us.

  • @stephaniebailey864
    @stephaniebailey864 Місяць тому

    Thank you this is so encouraging, and such an important topic for us in these "last days". Yes, Alien apparitions are truly demonic attacks, but we have our faith , prayer and the sign of the cross to protect us...and of course the Holy Mysteries...Praise God ❤

  • @bettyhal665
    @bettyhal665 Місяць тому

    Thank you for the edifying work. CHRISTOS ANESTI!!

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      @bettyhal; Your welcome and thank God. ALITHOS ANESTI! ☦️

  • @danieldaney9555
    @danieldaney9555 Місяць тому

    Very beautiful! Thank you!

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      @danieldaney; Thanks you for your kind comment. Glory be to God for all things! 🙏☦️

  • @stylist62
    @stylist62 Місяць тому

    Oh Lord save and have mercy on your slave.

  • @user-dw8rv9mi3l
    @user-dw8rv9mi3l Місяць тому

    My elder Dionysius kalambokas was close to this saint it's an honor to be in any way connected to my elder and his elder amilianos

  • @joepavone3586
    @joepavone3586 Місяць тому

    These videos are a blessing-especially the ones of the Fools for Christ. Please keep them coming !

    • @HolyOrthodoxy
      @HolyOrthodoxy Місяць тому

      Thank you for kind words and all glory belongs to the Lord and His wondrous saints! ☦️